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Internet Only

This hook only detects whether or not you're connected to the internet, which could be problematic for DHIS2 instances that are hosted locally or offline, where what really matters is whether or not you can communicate with the DHIS2 server. The useDhis2ConnectionStatus hook is usually better for that reason, and is therefore recommended.

The useOnlineStatus returns whether the client is online or offline. It debounces the returned values by default to prevent rapid changes of any UI elements that depend on the online status.

import { useOnlineStatus } from '@dhis2/app-runtime'

const { online, offline } = useOnlineStatus(options)

The online and offline return values are booleans, and both are provided for convenience.

The options param is an optional object with the following optional properties:

debounceDelayNumber1000Duration in ms to debounce changing online values. Set it to 0 to remove debouncing.

Under the hood, the online value is initialized to navigator.onLine, then the value changes in response to browser online and offline events.