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Services are purely a concept internal to @dhis2/app-runtime - you don't need to care about them to use it.

Internally, @dhis2/app-runtime is composed of several functionally-isolated services. Each of these services is a private (unpublished) npm package which is bundled into the final @dhis2/app-runtime library at build-time. Each services exposes a relevant Context provider as well as various Hook and Component interfaces which are re-exported by the @dhis2/app-runtime public package. There are currently only 2 services, but more will be added soon.

  • Config - Provide access to basic application configuration values from anywhere within an application. NOTE: this services is special because it can be a dependency of other services!
  • Data - Provides a declarative data access interface and data engine which will eventually handle caching, deduplication, and fetching of DHIS2 data (anything accessible through the DHIS2 Core API)
  • Alerts - Provides a useAlerts hook to read a central alerts-context and a useAlert hook to add alerts to the alerts-context.