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The CustomDataProvider can be used to provide static or custom data to its children. This is useful for interactive documentation and unit tests.


The CustomDataProvider accepts four props:

  • children: a valid React node.
  • data: an object that defines the replies for certain resources. See below for examples.
  • options: an object with the keys loadForever and failOnMiss. Set loadForever to true to force queries to keep loading indefinitely. Set failOnMiss to true to throw an error for any requests that have no matching reply defined in data
  • queryClientOptions: allows you to override the default queryClientOptions, see the react-query docs for the format and available options.

Static replies

The below example will reply with reply to all queries for the resourceName resource. Naturally this will only apply to queries executed from descendants of the CustomDataProvider.

<CustomDataProvider data={{ resourceName: 'reply' }}>

Dynamic replies

Instead of defining a static response it is also possible to supply a function. This allow you to define dynamic responses for a resource. The example below will reply with a random number for each request to the resourceName resource.

data={{ resourceName: (type, query, options) => Math.random() }}

The supplied callback will be called with three arguments, namely: