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Spin up a stable version

Spinning up a stable version is what you generally want. The Stable version is the one tested and released by the DHIS2 core team. It is the version that is recommended for production use, and therefore also the best to develop on. However, sometimes it makes sense to check out the development branch to test with the latest features. Read more about the development branch here.

First up, in the best case scenario where you want to run DHIS2 v40 on an empty database, you are able to run:

d2 cluster up 2.40

# result
# ---
# channel: stable
# dhis2Version: 2.40.0
# dbVersion: empty

Seed the database

Usually you want to seed your database with a database dump from Sierra Leone to have an instance set up with data. If you add the --seed command to the command above, it will try to find the database dump 2.40.0 on the databases site. If it doesn't exist it will throw an error.

d2 cluster up 2.40.0 --seed
# fail: if there's no 2.40.0 database dump, it will fail

You'll need to provide a --db-version argument to tell the command which database dump to use. The database dump needs to exist on the databases site.

d2 cluster up 2.40.0 --db-version 2.40 --seed

# result
# ---
# channel: stable
# dhis2Version: 2.40.0
# dbVersion: 2.40