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d2 CLI Overview

First, make sure you've got the CLI installed globally before you can use it. Once you've installed it you can run the d2 --help command to see the available commands, as shown below.

d2 --help
d2 app Front-end application and library commands
d2 cluster Manage DHIS2 Docker clusters [aliases: c]
d2 create <type> [name] Create various DHIS2 components from templates
d2 style DHIS2 programmatic style for commit msgs/code
[aliases: s]
d2 utils Utils for miscellaneous operations
d2 debug Debug local d2 installation

Global Options:
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
-v, --version Show version number [boolean]
--verbose Enable verbose messages [boolean]
--debug Enable debug messages [boolean]
--quiet Enable quiet mode [boolean]
--config Path to JSON config file