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Setup Cypress for your project

The CLI module provides an install command, that will set up some prerequisites for Cypress:

d2-utils-cypress install

When calling the install command without any arguments, you'll be prompted a list of groups of settings and their individual settings:

d2-utils-cypress install
d2-utils-cypress > install
You can install all groups by simply providing "all"
* all

* cypress-config/all
* cypress-config/setBaseUrl
* cypress-config/setRecordVideo
* cypress-config/setProjectId

* login/all
* login/setLoginUser
* login/setLoginPassword
* login/setLoginBackendUrl

* support/all
* support/registerCommands
* support/setDataTestPrefix

* network-shim/all
* network-shim/useCommandsSetupEnableNetworkShim
* network-shim/usePluginNetworkShim

* cucumber/all
* cucumber/usePluginChromeAllowXSiteCookies
* cucumber/usePluginCucumberPreprocessor
* cucumber/setTestFilesToFeatureFiles
* cucumber/setNonGlobalStepDefinitions

Simply choose the group that you want to install, for fresh installations the all group is probably what you want:

d2-utils-cypress install all

But you can also provide specific groups and/or members if you want to skip some of the others:

d2-utils-cypress install cypress-config/all cucumber/all

Please refer to Adding login credentials and add the required data for logging in.