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Adding login credentials

The cypress utility expects three values to be present in that file:

  1. dhis2BaseUrl
  2. dhis2Username
  3. dhis2Password

There are various ways how to add enviroment variables to your cypress setup, please refer to the official docs to get an overview.

NOTE: Putting login credentials into your codebase could be a security risk. Please make sure that you're not exposing secrets.

One way would be to have a file ignore by git, for example the cypress.env.json. It would allow different developers to use different login credentials without having to change a versioned file.

Here is an example what a cypress.env.json could look like

"dhis2BaseUrl": "https://localhost:8080",
"dhis2Username": "admin",
"dhis2Password": "district"

There are also alternative ways to provide enviroment variables and encrypted secrets to GitHub actions.