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The UI library provides a number of premade validator functions to use with React Final Form. Here is an example of how one can be used:

import { ReactFinalForm, email, InputFieldFF } from '@dhis2/ui'

const { Form, Field } = ReactFinalForm

function FormDemo() {
const onSubmit = (...args) => console.log(...args)

return (
<Form onSubmit={onSubmit}>
{({ handleSubmit }) => (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
label="Field Label"
// Validators go here:


Each validator provides a feedback message if the input value is invalid, and a few can take a custom message that you provide that will be displayed instead of the default message.

Validators are functions, and some of them create a validator function given one or more arguments, as you will see in the table below. A few examples are shown below the table.

Validator (validate={...})Description
alphaNumericThe value is made up of only letters, numbers, and spaces
booleanThe value is a boolean (true or false)
composeValidators(validator1, validator2, ...)Combines several validators into one function
createCharacterLengthRange(lowerBound, upperBound[, customMessage])The character length of the value is between lowerBound and upperBound (inclusive) characters. The optional customMessage argument overrides the default validation feedback message
createEqualTo(key[, description])The value is equal to the value in the field named key. Optional description describes the field named key in validation feedback. Useful for password confirmation
createMaxCharacterLength(upperBound)The character length of the value is less than or equal to upperBound
createMaxNumber(upperBound)The value is less than or equal to upperBound
createMinCharacterLength(lowerBound)The character length of the value is greater than or equal to lowerBound
createMinNumber(lowerBound)The value is greater than or equal to lowerBound
createNumberRange(lowerBound, upperBound[, customMessage])The value is between lowerBound and upperBound (inclusive). The optional customMessage argument overrides the default validation feedback message
createPattern(pattern[, message])The value matches the regex pattern. The optional message argument overrides the default validation feedback message
dhis2PasswordThe value meets the criteria for a valid DHIS2 password
dhis2UsernameThe value is a valid DHIS2 username (a string between 1 and 255 characters, inclusive)
emailThe value is a valid email address
hasValueThe value is not empty
integerThe value is an integer (a positive or negative number without decimals, or 0)
internationalPhoneNumberThe value is a valid international phone number
numberThe value is a number (or is a string that represents a number)
stringThe value is a string


Simple validator:

const ValidatedField = () => <Field validate={email} />

'Create' validator:

const ValidatedField = () => <Field validate={createNumberRange(0, 10)} />

Composed validators:

const ValidatedField = () => (
validate={composeValidators(alphaNumeric, createMinCharacterLength(4))}