The UI library provides a number of premade validator functions to use with React Final Form. Here is an example of how one can be used:
import { ReactFinalForm, email, InputFieldFF } from '@dhis2/ui'
const { Form, Field } = ReactFinalForm
function FormDemo() {
const onSubmit = (...args) => console.log(...args)
return (
<Form onSubmit={onSubmit}>
{({ handleSubmit }) => (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
label="Field Label"
// Validators go here:
Each validator provides a feedback message if the input value is invalid, and a few can take a custom message that you provide that will be displayed instead of the default message.
Validators are functions, and some of them create a validator function given one or more arguments, as you will see in the table below. A few examples are shown below the table.
Validator (validate={...} ) | Description |
alphaNumeric | The value is made up of only letters, numbers, and spaces |
boolean | The value is a boolean (true or false ) |
composeValidators(validator1, validator2, ...) | Combines several validators into one function |
createCharacterLengthRange(lowerBound, upperBound[, customMessage]) | The character length of the value is between lowerBound and upperBound (inclusive) characters. The optional customMessage argument overrides the default validation feedback message |
createEqualTo(key[, description]) | The value is equal to the value in the field named key . Optional description describes the field named key in validation feedback. Useful for password confirmation |
createMaxCharacterLength(upperBound) | The character length of the value is less than or equal to upperBound |
createMaxNumber(upperBound) | The value is less than or equal to upperBound |
createMinCharacterLength(lowerBound) | The character length of the value is greater than or equal to lowerBound |
createMinNumber(lowerBound) | The value is greater than or equal to lowerBound |
createNumberRange(lowerBound, upperBound[, customMessage]) | The value is between lowerBound and upperBound (inclusive). The optional customMessage argument overrides the default validation feedback message |
createPattern(pattern[, message]) | The value matches the regex pattern . The optional message argument overrides the default validation feedback message |
dhis2Password | The value meets the criteria for a valid DHIS2 password |
dhis2Username | The value is a valid DHIS2 username (a string between 1 and 255 characters, inclusive) |
email | The value is a valid email address |
hasValue | The value is not empty |
integer | The value is an integer (a positive or negative number without decimals, or 0) |
internationalPhoneNumber | The value is a valid international phone number |
number | The value is a number (or is a string that represents a number) |
string | The value is a string |
Simple validator:
const ValidatedField = () => <Field validate={email} />
'Create' validator:
const ValidatedField = () => <Field validate={createNumberRange(0, 10)} />
Composed validators:
const ValidatedField = () => (
validate={composeValidators(alphaNumeric, createMinCharacterLength(4))}