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Data parsing and formatting

There are a few helper functions called 'transformers' in the UI library that are useful for managing and transforming data.


import { arrayWithIdObjects } from '@dhis2/ui'

These functions help manage arrays of ID strings (['1', '2', '3']) or arrays of objects with ID strings as properties ([{ id: '1' }, { id: '2' }, { id: '3' }]), which are common when working with DHIS2 data.


arrayWithIdObjects.format() transforms an array of objects which each have an id property into an array of just those ID strings.


const idsArray = arrayWithIdObjects.format([
{ id: '001', name: 'one' },
{ id: '002', name: 'two' },
{ id: '003', name: 'three' },
// Result: idsArray = ['001', '002', '003']


arrayWithIdObjects.parse() does the inverse transformation as format(); that is, it transforms an array of ID strings into an array of objects with an id property.


const objectsArray = arrayWithIdObjects.format(['001', '002', '003'])
// Result: objectsArray = [{ id: '001' }, { id: '002' }, { id: '003' }]