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4 posts tagged with "announcement"

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App Platform v12

· 3 min read
DHIS2 Core Team
DHIS2 Core Team
Kai Vandivier
DHIS2 Core Team

Good news! Vite and React 18 in the app platform are ready to use! Vite replaces the deprecated Create React App (CRA) for starting and build apps, and React v18 replaces v16.

We're very excited for these updates — both will significantly modernize the App Platform, and Vite will be a big upgrade from CRA. It will greatly improve the developer experience, and with greater control over the configuration, it will open up some powerful new possibilities for the platform.

Here are some tips about what to expect, and how to easily upgrade to the latest version of @dhis2/cli-app-scripts to take advantage of Vite and React 18.

App-platform v10

· One min read
DHIS2 Core Team
DHIS2 Core Team

We have just released a new major version of the app-platform: version 10. Upgrading to version 10 should be relatively easy for all apps currently using version 9 of cli-app-scripts. In this post we'll walk you through the most important change for this release.

Introducing PWA in the App Platform

· 11 min read
Kai Vandivier
DHIS2 Core Team

The DHIS2 App Platform now supports PWA capabilities in apps made with the platform! The Dashboard App will be the first core app to take advantage of these features to enable offline capability, and it will be used as an example in this article to describe the details of these features.

This article will give a brief overview of the new features available and some examples that illustrate how they can be used. A future article will go into detail about the technical decisions behind these features and their designs.