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Introducing PWA in the App Platform

11 min read

The DHIS2 App Platform now supports PWA capabilities in apps made with the platform! The Dashboard App will be the first core app to take advantage of these features to enable offline capability, and it will be used as an example in this article to describe the details of these features.

This article will give a brief overview of the new features available and some examples that illustrate how they can be used. A future article will go into detail about the technical decisions behind these features and their designs.

Hacktoberfest 2021 - Contribute to DHIS2 and win a t-shirt (or plant a tree)

One min read

Every year, DigitalOcean and other partners sponsor Hacktoberfest to encourage open-source contributions. Contributors who make 4 or more useful pull-requests will be eligible to receive a free Hacktoberfest t-shirt. We also encourage you to consider the environmentally-conscious option of planting trees instead 馃尦馃帀

If you contribute (by opening a pull request which gets approved) to any open-source DHIS2 repository during the month of October, your contribution will count towards the 4 pull-request minimum required to claim your reward. Get hacking!

SameSite Cookie Policies and DHIS2 Applications

6 min read

As of mid-July 2020, the Chrome (and Chromium) stable release channel has started to disable cross-site cookies by default. Mozilla Firefox has pushed this change to their beta channel and will likely release it to the stable channel soon. This change affects any DHIS2 application running on a different domain than the DHIS2 server instance, including applications running on localhost in development. It does not affect cross-site API requests which use Basic or OAuth authentication headers, as those do not rely on cookies for authentication.

UI 5 release

14 min read

We've recently released @dhis2/ui version 5. It unifies ui-core, ui-widgets and ui-forms to simplify the user experience and allow for some architectural changes. In this post we'll go through the most important changes to try and help you with the upgrading process. To view a complete list of all the changes see the changelog.

DHIS2 with Docker

11 min read

UPDATE (January 25, 2023) - some parts of this blog post are outdated, see the DHIS2 in Docker tutorial for the latest information.

The DHIS2 Core Team uses Docker to make development and testing efforts easier every day! It allows us to spin up various environments with any DHIS2 version, numerous tomcat versions and different components, such as Redis, NGINX, in no time. Because we wanted to share Docker with the community, we made publishing Docker images a part of our delivery pipeline. This guide aims to provide some guidelines on how to use Docker to quickly set up DHIS2.